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Reinigungsforum - Das Forum rund ums Thema Putzen, Reinigen, Haushaltstipps und Gebäudereinigung
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<p>[QUOTE="Juniorguila, post: 108147"]<a href="" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="" rel="nofollow"></a></p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p>Hey there! If you’re a fan of spices, you’ve probably wondered what’s the best cinnamon to use in your recipes. The debate between Ceylon vs Saigon Cinnamon is real, and I’m here to break down the key differences so you can make the right choice. </p><p><br /></p><p>Ceylon Cinnamon is known for its mild and sweet flavor, which makes it perfect for teas, desserts, and baking. On the other hand, Saigon Cinnamon is much bolder and spicier, with a more intense flavor that some people love for their savory dishes and spicy drinks. </p><p><br /></p><p>One of the most important differences comes down to coumarin content. Saigon Cinnamon contains significantly higher levels of coumarin, which can be harmful to your liver if consumed in large amounts over time. Ceylon Cinnamon, however, has much lower levels of this substance, making it a safer choice for regular use. </p><p><br /></p><p>If you're concerned about your health or just want to learn more about the differences between Ceylon Cinnamon vs Saigon Cinnamon, check out my blog. I dive deep into these differences and give you a complete guide on how to choose the best cinnamon for your needs.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Juniorguila, post: 108147"][URL][/URL] Hey there! If you’re a fan of spices, you’ve probably wondered what’s the best cinnamon to use in your recipes. The debate between Ceylon vs Saigon Cinnamon is real, and I’m here to break down the key differences so you can make the right choice. Ceylon Cinnamon is known for its mild and sweet flavor, which makes it perfect for teas, desserts, and baking. On the other hand, Saigon Cinnamon is much bolder and spicier, with a more intense flavor that some people love for their savory dishes and spicy drinks. One of the most important differences comes down to coumarin content. Saigon Cinnamon contains significantly higher levels of coumarin, which can be harmful to your liver if consumed in large amounts over time. Ceylon Cinnamon, however, has much lower levels of this substance, making it a safer choice for regular use. If you're concerned about your health or just want to learn more about the differences between Ceylon Cinnamon vs Saigon Cinnamon, check out my blog. I dive deep into these differences and give you a complete guide on how to choose the best cinnamon for your needs.[/QUOTE]
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Reinigungsforum - Das Forum rund ums Thema Putzen, Reinigen, Haushaltstipps und Gebäudereinigung
Freizeit, Hobby und Off-Topic
Reinigung und Lebensmittel
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